Japanese TV advertisement for PSP Slim

The redesigned PlayStation Portable unit otherwise known as PSP Slim or PSP-2000 (actually Sony has yet to name it) will be arriving in retail stores around the world this September. One of the first markets to get it is Japan and having said that, it is only logical that Sony will be focusing its marketing strength there.

This video clip below, a TV advertisement of the PSP Slim for the Japanese audience, was uploaded at YouTube by user psper1. While the new SKU sports new features such as video download service and TV tuner, the commercial gave focus on the hardware and how it is different from the current model.

For our readers not hailing from Japan, just enjoy the TV ad for now and we’re pretty certain that similar commercials will also be made available in your area as we get closer to the launch date.

The redesigned PlayStation Portable unit otherwise known as PSP Slim or PSP-2000 (actually Sony has yet to name it) will be arriving in retail stores around the world this September. One of the first markets to get it is Japan and having said that, it is only logical that Sony will be focusing its marketing strength there.

This video clip below, a TV advertisement of the PSP Slim for the Japanese audience, was uploaded at YouTube by user psper1. While the new SKU sports new features such as video download service and TV tuner, the commercial gave focus on the hardware and how it is different from the current model.

For our readers not hailing from Japan, just enjoy the TV ad for now and we’re pretty certain that similar commercials will also be made available in your area as we get closer to the launch date.

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