Japan’s PSP-to-PS3 Ad-Hoc Party beta launch delayed; video presentation included

Ad Hoc Party - Image 1Folks in Japan were promised a beta version of the Ad-Hoc Party service to go live come October 30, however, things up at Sony aren’t running as smooth as they expected. Meanwhile, you can hit the full article to see a video presentation of how the network service runs.

Folks in Japan were promised a beta version of the Ad-Hoc Party service to go live come October 30, however, things up at Sony aren’t running as smooth as they expected.

The official PlayStation Japan website has announced that the beta launch has been delayed to some time in early November instead. Effectively, that means the first week of November, or if you want to stretch it, maybe even the second week.

The PSP-to-PS3 network service is currently supported only by Capcom‘s Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G, and will eventually be introduced to Phantasy Star Portable. If you’re still in the dark on how this service runs, here’s a quick video presentation from the PlayStation site explaining how the Ad-Hoc Party runs:

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