Konami Gamer’s Day: Coded Arms Contagion

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At Konami‘s annual Gamer’s Day, IGN was able to test the latest build of Coded Arms Contagion. The game – a follow-up to the original PSP release of Coded Arms – is said to be connected in someway to the upcoming PS3 game, Coded Arms Assault.

IGN reports that the game starts out with an opening cutscene, with your character, Grant, entering the VR chamber to jack into the virtual environment of Coded Arms. A few story points happen, with you and a general, and then a tutorial follows. There’s no way to skip the tutorial portion. However, the tutorial does provide some useful instructions on how to hack and upgrade plug-ins. After the tutorial you are then thrust into the first scenario.

The first scenario is in this factory of sorts. Machinery blocks some of your paths, certain zones prevent bullets from reaching your opponents, nice stuff.

The game controls work on the now-standard setup for FPS games on the PSP. Left analog stick handles movement, the four face buttons handle aiming, etc. Because of this setup, the lock-on command ended up assigned to the d-pad. IGN feels that they find that a bit awkward, but they do say that you can get used to the set-up.

The game is reported to sport some visuals that rival a lot of PS2 shooters.

If you’re interested about the game, be aware that it is reportedly set to ship on the 13th of March. You have ample time to prepare your wallets.


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At Konami‘s annual Gamer’s Day, IGN was able to test the latest build of Coded Arms Contagion. The game – a follow-up to the original PSP release of Coded Arms – is said to be connected in someway to the upcoming PS3 game, Coded Arms Assault.

IGN reports that the game starts out with an opening cutscene, with your character, Grant, entering the VR chamber to jack into the virtual environment of Coded Arms. A few story points happen, with you and a general, and then a tutorial follows. There’s no way to skip the tutorial portion. However, the tutorial does provide some useful instructions on how to hack and upgrade plug-ins. After the tutorial you are then thrust into the first scenario.

The first scenario is in this factory of sorts. Machinery blocks some of your paths, certain zones prevent bullets from reaching your opponents, nice stuff.

The game controls work on the now-standard setup for FPS games on the PSP. Left analog stick handles movement, the four face buttons handle aiming, etc. Because of this setup, the lock-on command ended up assigned to the d-pad. IGN feels that they find that a bit awkward, but they do say that you can get used to the set-up.

The game is reported to sport some visuals that rival a lot of PS2 shooters.

If you’re interested about the game, be aware that it is reportedly set to ship on the 13th of March. You have ample time to prepare your wallets.


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