Linden Lab responds to letter on performance problems

Cory Ondrejka responds to the problems on behalf of Linden Lab - Image 1The MMORPG Second Life‘s publisher Linden Lab held a virtual town hall meeting in Second Life in response to the stability, inventory loss and build tool problems that players have been complaining about. Linden Lab’s CTO Cory Ondrejka answered questions regarding this problem from users who attended the said meeting.

One of the residents asked a significant question: “Where does stability and performance fall in the priorities for (Linden Lab) development. There is a problem literally every other day and it seems like there is very much room for improvement in this regard.” Ondrejka answered that 69% of the development staff are on scaling and stability and the number is still growing. So does this mean that the problems of Second Life will be addressed immediately? Ondrejka:

The answer, of course, lies somewhere in between. We are working to fix bugs and enable incremental improvement. At the same time, we are building the foundations for the next-gen architecture that will radically improve our ability to scale.

A very safe answer from the executive, a bit elusive, but safe. He also spilled the beans on some of the new features that they have been working on such as the new search system which should make it easier to find things in-world and help solve the spam problems in the game.

It should be noted that the residents were pretty hostile in the meeting, so props to Ondrejka for keeping his cool under such a situation and to Linden Lad for acting upon the problem quickly.

Via Cnet news

Cory Ondrejka responds to the problems on behalf of Linden Lab - Image 1The MMORPG Second Life‘s publisher Linden Lab held a virtual town hall meeting in Second Life in response to the stability, inventory loss and build tool problems that players have been complaining about. Linden Lab’s CTO Cory Ondrejka answered questions regarding this problem from users who attended the said meeting.

One of the residents asked a significant question: “Where does stability and performance fall in the priorities for (Linden Lab) development. There is a problem literally every other day and it seems like there is very much room for improvement in this regard.” Ondrejka answered that 69% of the development staff are on scaling and stability and the number is still growing. So does this mean that the problems of Second Life will be addressed immediately? Ondrejka:

The answer, of course, lies somewhere in between. We are working to fix bugs and enable incremental improvement. At the same time, we are building the foundations for the next-gen architecture that will radically improve our ability to scale.

A very safe answer from the executive, a bit elusive, but safe. He also spilled the beans on some of the new features that they have been working on such as the new search system which should make it easier to find things in-world and help solve the spam problems in the game.

It should be noted that the residents were pretty hostile in the meeting, so props to Ondrejka for keeping his cool under such a situation and to Linden Lad for acting upon the problem quickly.

Via Cnet news

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