Link foot booboo in Zelda: Twilight Link Zombie

So there he was, trudging towards you. He looks a bit small, but don’t you underestimate his abilities. He is known for his boomerang skills, wields a sword, performs magic, and even has the ability to transform into a wolf, so beware. He lunges forward, a large pole sticking out of his right foot, and you scream in terror. You run as fast as you can, but he keeps up, agile lad that he is. His arm finally grabs you, and you know that you’re dead.

Welcome to The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Link Zombie.

Just kidding. You see, Kotaku reader GzeP noticed a rather huge pole sticking out of Link’s right foot when he played Twilight Princess and boy, it does look annoying:

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Image 1 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Image 2 

Any of you guys spotted this glitch too? Please let us know.

So there he was, trudging towards you. He looks a bit small, but don’t you underestimate his abilities. He is known for his boomerang skills, wields a sword, performs magic, and even has the ability to transform into a wolf, so beware. He lunges forward, a large pole sticking out of his right foot, and you scream in terror. You run as fast as you can, but he keeps up, agile lad that he is. His arm finally grabs you, and you know that you’re dead.

Welcome to The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Link Zombie.

Just kidding. You see, Kotaku reader GzeP noticed a rather huge pole sticking out of Link’s right foot when he played Twilight Princess and boy, it does look annoying:

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Image 1 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Image 2 

Any of you guys spotted this glitch too? Please let us know.

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