LOTRO: On monster play and PvP combat

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Gamespot was able to score an interview just recently with Turbine CEO and president, Jeff Anderson, to talk about their upcoming MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar. The interview tackles the much-anticipated monster play and how they’ll combine the PvP and PvE elements in the game — something that they say will set apart LOTR from all the other RPGs in the market.

According to Anderson, the concept of Monster Play can be understood basically as an “opportunity for you as a player to build your own army as part of the dark army of the Lord Sauron.” With that in mind, the dev team decided that they will launch the game with having four playable main monster races; spider, the warg, the orc, and the Uruk-hai. Why is this such a big deal to a huge portion of MMORPG-ers?

See, it’s rare that you get to take off the halo in a game and cross over to the other side to watch the events unfold in a totally different perspective. So by giving players the refreshing option of being the monstrous creatures in the game, they’ll be able to explore another side of gaming that they rarely get to do with most other MMORPGs. Anderson was quick to note though that at the game’s launch, Monster play will be restricted to the Entmoors area.

The interview tackles a whole lot more, including the requirements you’re gonna have to fulfill for you to be able to play as a monster, as well as a detailed description and explanation of just how this system will work. If you wanna find out more, just hit the read link below and that should lead you to Gamespot’s two-page interview with Anderson. We’ll keep you posted for more.

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Gamespot was able to score an interview just recently with Turbine CEO and president, Jeff Anderson, to talk about their upcoming MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar. The interview tackles the much-anticipated monster play and how they’ll combine the PvP and PvE elements in the game — something that they say will set apart LOTR from all the other RPGs in the market.

According to Anderson, the concept of Monster Play can be understood basically as an “opportunity for you as a player to build your own army as part of the dark army of the Lord Sauron.” With that in mind, the dev team decided that they will launch the game with having four playable main monster races; spider, the warg, the orc, and the Uruk-hai. Why is this such a big deal to a huge portion of MMORPG-ers?

See, it’s rare that you get to take off the halo in a game and cross over to the other side to watch the events unfold in a totally different perspective. So by giving players the refreshing option of being the monstrous creatures in the game, they’ll be able to explore another side of gaming that they rarely get to do with most other MMORPGs. Anderson was quick to note though that at the game’s launch, Monster play will be restricted to the Entmoors area.

The interview tackles a whole lot more, including the requirements you’re gonna have to fulfill for you to be able to play as a monster, as well as a detailed description and explanation of just how this system will work. If you wanna find out more, just hit the read link below and that should lead you to Gamespot’s two-page interview with Anderson. We’ll keep you posted for more.

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