Metal Slug Anthology Preview

Metal Slug

SNK Playmore is currently putting the finishing touches on its Metal Slug Anthology game for the PSP which celebrates the series that has been running for 10 years. Metal Slug Anthology combines the first six entries in the classic series – that’s number 1, 2, X, 3, 4 and 5 – to make a great portable game. The question is not how good the games are, as this has already been proven with the popularity of the originals on the Neo Geo, but how good a job SNK has done porting the games to the PSP and implementing them into an Anthology.

The great thing about this game is that SNK have done a good job, using the Japanese originals as the sole basis for the PSP port. Any Metal Slug fans out there will love this game as the sole gameplay doesn’t change from the originals. If you haven’t played Metal Slug before, the description courtesy of IGN is that “you run from left to right, hammering the fire button in a desperate bid to maim the seemingly-unstoppable onslaught of heavily-armed adversaries blocking your path. As you progress, freeing POWs on your way, you’ll get increasingly-ludicrous weapon upgrades, with the occasional ‘Slug’ vehicle for increased firepower and defence thrown in for good measure.

There’s no need to worry if you die either, as you are faced with a continue screen thanks to the game’s arcade roots, meaning you don’t have to get angry with this game when you have to start all over again, however it still remains open or you to get angry once you have played the same level 10 times over and still cannot complete it. Our tip: work on your button-bashing skills!

The only bad thing about the game at this stage of development is the loading times which are a bit all over the place at the moment. You wait a long time for the UMD to load, then select your favourite Metal Slug title and guess what? You have to wait for that to load too, then for the character selection screen to load. If SNK get that sorted out then they’re on to a winner with this title. The game is due to be released for PSP this fall but the release date is still to be announced for the Wii.


Metal Slug

SNK Playmore is currently putting the finishing touches on its Metal Slug Anthology game for the PSP which celebrates the series that has been running for 10 years. Metal Slug Anthology combines the first six entries in the classic series – that’s number 1, 2, X, 3, 4 and 5 – to make a great portable game. The question is not how good the games are, as this has already been proven with the popularity of the originals on the Neo Geo, but how good a job SNK has done porting the games to the PSP and implementing them into an Anthology.

The great thing about this game is that SNK have done a good job, using the Japanese originals as the sole basis for the PSP port. Any Metal Slug fans out there will love this game as the sole gameplay doesn’t change from the originals. If you haven’t played Metal Slug before, the description courtesy of IGN is that “you run from left to right, hammering the fire button in a desperate bid to maim the seemingly-unstoppable onslaught of heavily-armed adversaries blocking your path. As you progress, freeing POWs on your way, you’ll get increasingly-ludicrous weapon upgrades, with the occasional ‘Slug’ vehicle for increased firepower and defence thrown in for good measure.

There’s no need to worry if you die either, as you are faced with a continue screen thanks to the game’s arcade roots, meaning you don’t have to get angry with this game when you have to start all over again, however it still remains open or you to get angry once you have played the same level 10 times over and still cannot complete it. Our tip: work on your button-bashing skills!

The only bad thing about the game at this stage of development is the loading times which are a bit all over the place at the moment. You wait a long time for the UMD to load, then select your favourite Metal Slug title and guess what? You have to wait for that to load too, then for the character selection screen to load. If SNK get that sorted out then they’re on to a winner with this title. The game is due to be released for PSP this fall but the release date is still to be announced for the Wii.


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