Miss Spider – Harvest Time Hop and Fly Released

Geared for a younger target audience, Miss Spider – Harvest Time Hop and Fly from Shin’en Multimedia developed by The Game Factory – publisher of video and computer games based on international children’s characters – would make us want to sing that familiar nursery rhyme once more.

The game is set in the miniature wonderland of Sunny Patch, home to Miss Spider, her husband Holley and their kids – Dragon, Bounce, Squirt, Wiggle and Shimmer. It is then up to the player to help Miss Spider and her family, collect fruits and berries to prepare for the winter. Filled with tons of family, fun and adventure, Miss Spider – Harvest Time Hop and Fly, also teaches children the importance of being kind and having empathy for those who are different.

Taking advantage of Nintendo DSTM system, which includes the touch screen and the microphone, this games guarantees hours of interactive for children. It has a wide variety of different game play situations and more than two dozen stages. This itsy bitsy game was released in North America yesterday (May 24).


Geared for a younger target audience, Miss Spider – Harvest Time Hop and Fly from Shin’en Multimedia developed by The Game Factory – publisher of video and computer games based on international children’s characters – would make us want to sing that familiar nursery rhyme once more.

The game is set in the miniature wonderland of Sunny Patch, home to Miss Spider, her husband Holley and their kids – Dragon, Bounce, Squirt, Wiggle and Shimmer. It is then up to the player to help Miss Spider and her family, collect fruits and berries to prepare for the winter. Filled with tons of family, fun and adventure, Miss Spider – Harvest Time Hop and Fly, also teaches children the importance of being kind and having empathy for those who are different.

Taking advantage of Nintendo DSTM system, which includes the touch screen and the microphone, this games guarantees hours of interactive for children. It has a wide variety of different game play situations and more than two dozen stages. This itsy bitsy game was released in North America yesterday (May 24).


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