Moorhuhn: shooting chickens your own way

Moorhunh: shooting chickens your own way - Image 1 

German PSP Homebrew Developer Sony_PSP_Player has come out with a quirky homebrew called Moorhuhn (Moorland Chicken) for the PSP. This game has you shooting chickens as they run across the map.

The controls of the game are simple, with players using either the analog stick or Direction pad for movement, R for shooting and L to reload. If you need a break from playing, just hit square to stop the game.

If the three original levels included in the game aren’t enough, the developer gave instructions on how to add your own. The original post was done in German so here’s a translated version of it:

1. Look at the directory Moorhuhn/level for the biggest numbered folder (in this case 3)
2. Makes a new file for the level (in this case 4)
3. Create a file named background.png with dimensions 480×272 < – that becomes the background of the level
4. Create a file called “d.txt” this file which dictates the difficulty level (0-10 = easy, 10-15 = medium, >15 = hard), stores this file
5. Play it!

The Graphics of the game are excellent and the gameplay can get addicting really quickly. Why don’t you download the game and try it out?

Download: Moorhuhn

Via PSP Source

Moorhunh: shooting chickens your own way - Image 1 

German PSP Homebrew Developer Sony_PSP_Player has come out with a quirky homebrew called Moorhuhn (Moorland Chicken) for the PSP. This game has you shooting chickens as they run across the map.

The controls of the game are simple, with players using either the analog stick or Direction pad for movement, R for shooting and L to reload. If you need a break from playing, just hit square to stop the game.

If the three original levels included in the game aren’t enough, the developer gave instructions on how to add your own. The original post was done in German so here’s a translated version of it:

1. Look at the directory Moorhuhn/level for the biggest numbered folder (in this case 3)
2. Makes a new file for the level (in this case 4)
3. Create a file named background.png with dimensions 480×272 < – that becomes the background of the level
4. Create a file called “d.txt” this file which dictates the difficulty level (0-10 = easy, 10-15 = medium, >15 = hard), stores this file
5. Play it!

The Graphics of the game are excellent and the gameplay can get addicting really quickly. Why don’t you download the game and try it out?

Download: Moorhuhn

Via PSP Source

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