Muslim musician defends LittleBigPlanet song

LittleBigPlanet - Image 1Grammy award-wining musician Toumani Diabate, who wrote the song that got LittleBigPlanet recalled, is adamant in his belief that he praised Islam rather than blasphemed against it. He considers mixing music and religion as a celebration of his faith and expressed disappointment that others did not quite see it that way.

Toumani Diabate - Image 1As we’ve probably all heard by now, the release of LittleBigPlanet was delayed because a song in the game was found to contain two lines from the Koran. Sony worried that it would be offensive and a spokesperson for the Muslim Forum think tank agreed.

Naturally, this debacle raises the question of who could have possibly thought that adding lines from the Koran would not offend the Muslim community?

Apparently, a devout Muslim.

Grammy award-wining Toumani Diabate, who wrote the song way back in 2004, is adamant in his belief that the song praises Islam rather than blasphemes against it. “In my family there are only two things we know – the Koran and the kora (a West African harp),” he told the BBC during an interview on the same subject.

Diabate is Malian and it is common practice for them to intermix religion and music. It is a celebration of their faith, he explained, and expressed disappointment that others did not quite see it that way.

Sony defended its course of action by stating that they just wanted to make sure there was “no possible way anyone may be offended by the music.” Fair enough, I suppose, but we want LittleBigPlanet now! Please?

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Via BBC News

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