Namco Bandai bares Soul Calibur Legends Japanese trailer
It’s not always that a game is released in the US before it’s released in Japan. Nevertheless, while Namco Bandai‘s new Japanese trailer for Soul Calibur Legends may no longer be a teaser for American players, the video still offers a different perspective on Namco Bandai new Soul Calibur game, even if most of us didn’t understand what was being said.
Watch the video after the jump!
It’s not always that a game is released in the US before it’s released in Japan. Nevertheless, while Namco Bandai‘s new Japanese trailer for Soul Calibur Legends may no longer be a teaser for American players, the video still offers a different perspective on Namco Bandai new Soul Calibur game, even if most of us didn’t understand what was being said.
The Soul Calibur Legends video starts off with a Japanese announcer talking animatedly about the features of Namco Bandai’s action-adventure game. The trailer then turns into part gameplay demo, part introductory movie as we see the different Soul Calibur Legends characters strut their stuff, tearing their enemies up while a silhouette of a player practices shadow fencing with a Wiimote and nunchuck attachment.
That said, the video may bring back memories of the original Soul Calibur, which had us relying on subtitles since it was never dubbed in English. But enough of that. Listen to your favorite Soul Calibur Legends characters speak fluent Japanese, regardless of their nationality, in Namco Bandai’s video right here: