Naughty Dog: Uncharted Sequel, Jak and Daxter on the PS3 a definite possibility

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - Image 1Enjoying Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and can’t wait to know what’s coming next from Naughty Dog? Then gather round as Evan Wells gives us a look into the future, with talk of a sequel that follows through with Nate’s epic adventure as well as a next-gen Jak and Daxter title. Interested? Yeah, we thought so.

Check out the entire scoop at the full article.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - Image 1 

With Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune already unleashed onto the videogaming world, Sony PlayStation 3 owners now look to Naughty Dog and ask: what sort of next-gen treasure will be heaped upon the shiny black Cell Processor-powered console of awesome? The answer, dear readers, lie in an interview with Naughty Dog’s own Evan Wells, and the answers are definitely worth digging for.

So, what’s next for Naughty Dog? Why, a sequel for Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, of course! There’s also the deal about a Jack & Daxter game in the pipeline, using the engine that gave Nathan Drake his next-gen legs. The part of the interview with ThreeSpeech that reveals this, verbatim:

ItÂ’s very exciting to think what we can do with this tech now that itÂ’s in place and we can focus on accomplishing something even more ambitious. And Jak and Daxter is a definite possibility some time in the future. There is a lot of interest around the office in going back to that franchise and seeing what we could do with it using the Uncharted engine.

As for Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune 2, it seems that it could be a while before we step into Nate’s shoes once more – but that doesn’t mean that we can’t count on it happening. “Right now we are brainstorming on what Naughty DogÂ’s next project will be, but even if we donÂ’t do an Uncharted sequel right away, you can pretty much count on us doing one in the near future.”

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