Naughty Dog’s Balestra on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune will have sequels

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune to get sequels - Image 1Given the crisp, high-def scenery that Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune will offer for the Sony PlayStation 3, we imagine the fans are hoping the game won’t end abruptly as an intense, yet fondly remembered one-off hit. With that said, we’re letting you guys in on a recent interview between Arstechnica and Naughty Dog‘s co-president Christophe Balestra, which reveals a few extra details about the dev studio’s plans for the game.

Balestra explained that the team was fully aware of the teething problems that similar dev studios had experienced with the PS3, which included issues such as frame rate problems and engine inconsistencies.

Given that Naughty Dog was focused on PS3 development, it made it easier for them to cope with the said problems. And it looks like they did more than cope – Uncharted will reportedly use 30% of the Cell’s processing power, and 91% of the Blu-Ray disc’s 25 GB capacity.

That said, Balestra also explained that Sony’s PlayStation Edge developer’s kit was largely developed at Naughty Dog, and they were trying to help any other dev teams out there having difficulties designing games for the Sony PS3. Moving on, Balestra confirmed that much like Naughty Dog’s previous works, Uncharted was going to have more than one installment. As he elaborated during the interview:

Crash was a franchise, Jak & Daxter was a franchise and yes of course Uncharted will be a franchise. It takes a lot of effort to create a universe like Uncharted and there is so much more we want to do. It would be a waste if we didn%u2019t have a sequel to make it even better than the first one.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune for the PlayStation 3 has recently gone gold, and is expected to arrive in North America come November 20. A December 7 launch will follow for Europe. Be sure to look out for game demo that’s expected to be available on the PlayStation Network by mid-November.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune to get sequels - Image 1Given the crisp, high-def scenery that Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune will offer for the Sony PlayStation 3, we imagine the fans are hoping the game won’t end abruptly as an intense, yet fondly remembered one-off hit. With that said, we’re letting you guys in on a recent interview between Arstechnica and Naughty Dog‘s co-president Christophe Balestra, which reveals a few extra details about the dev studio’s plans for the game.

Balestra explained that the team was fully aware of the teething problems that similar dev studios had experienced with the PS3, which included issues such as frame rate problems and engine inconsistencies.

Given that Naughty Dog was focused on PS3 development, it made it easier for them to cope with the said problems. And it looks like they did more than cope – Uncharted will reportedly use 30% of the Cell’s processing power, and 91% of the Blu-Ray disc’s 25 GB capacity.

That said, Balestra also explained that Sony’s PlayStation Edge developer’s kit was largely developed at Naughty Dog, and they were trying to help any other dev teams out there having difficulties designing games for the Sony PS3. Moving on, Balestra confirmed that much like Naughty Dog’s previous works, Uncharted was going to have more than one installment. As he elaborated during the interview:

Crash was a franchise, Jak & Daxter was a franchise and yes of course Uncharted will be a franchise. It takes a lot of effort to create a universe like Uncharted and there is so much more we want to do. It would be a waste if we didn%u2019t have a sequel to make it even better than the first one.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune for the PlayStation 3 has recently gone gold, and is expected to arrive in North America come November 20. A December 7 launch will follow for Europe. Be sure to look out for game demo that’s expected to be available on the PlayStation Network by mid-November.

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