NBA Street: Rip Hamilton’s vision trailer

Everyone has that dream of becoming the next big thing. Whether it be in the music or sports industry, or heck, some may even dream to be the next biggest basket-weaver or something. But unfortunately, very few people are able to push through with their dreams – sometimes dreams remain as… dreams. (And unfortunately for you, you had to sit through that whole cheesy intro. Harhar!)

Cheesy mush aside, Rip Hamilton can be considered as one of those success stories of sorts. And because he is one of the featured ballers in NBA Street Homecourt (PS3, Xbox360), he has his own game trailer to talk about his vision: his dreams of being a baller and how he was able to pursue that dream. Anyway, NBA Street is set to hit the streets real soon (February 19th, to be exact), but while we wait for that date to come, listen in on Rip as he talks about the baller life. Enjoy!

Everyone has that dream of becoming the next big thing. Whether it be in the music or sports industry, or heck, some may even dream to be the next biggest basket-weaver or something. But unfortunately, very few people are able to push through with their dreams – sometimes dreams remain as… dreams. (And unfortunately for you, you had to sit through that whole cheesy intro. Harhar!)

Cheesy mush aside, Rip Hamilton can be considered as one of those success stories of sorts. And because he is one of the featured ballers in NBA Street Homecourt (PS3, Xbox360), he has his own game trailer to talk about his vision: his dreams of being a baller and how he was able to pursue that dream. Anyway, NBA Street is set to hit the streets real soon (February 19th, to be exact), but while we wait for that date to come, listen in on Rip as he talks about the baller life. Enjoy!

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