NeoFlash Spring Coding Competition 07: Warcraft: Tower Defense v0.4 beta
Noda and his perpetually updated Warcraft: Tower Defense homebrew game for the Nintendo DS is back; this time around as a submission to the NeoFlash Spring Coding Competition. Take note that there are two versions in this release: one in PAFS that works only on slot-2 GBA flashcards, and a DLDI FAT version for any flashcard (including those who use slot-1 cards).
Here’s the full changelog for Warcraft: Tower Defense v0.4 beta:
- PAFS version was broken in the last release, now it’s working again
- corrected the bug that prevented max towers bonus for first evolution to be applied at start
- corrected colors of selection circle, it looks better now
- fixed the animation bug when a monster is killed at spawn
- fixed sprite scrolling, now sprites are in phase with background while scrolling
- updated the map editor, see its changelog for details
- added a bunch of new features for maps, like small & transparent monsters, W3 damage style, choice for the colors used in the minimap for painting entities…
Check out the rest of the Changelog after the Full Article Jump!
Aside from the readme, included also in the game archive is a very helpful manual in pdf format. If you haven’t been following the continuous updates and development notes of this homebrew game, you can check both of the documents in the zipped download.
Download: Warcraft: Tower Defense v0.4 beta
Noda and his perpetually updated Warcraft: Tower Defense homebrew game for the Nintendo DS is back; this time around as a submission to the NeoFlash Spring Coding Competition. Take note that there are two versions in this release: one in PAFS that works only on slot-2 GBA flashcards, and a DLDI FAT version for any flashcard (including those who use slot-1 cards).
Here’s the full changelog for Warcraft: Tower Defense v0.4 beta:
- PAFS version was broken in the last release, now it’s working again
- corrected the bug that prevented max towers bonus for first evolution to be applied at start
- corrected colors of selection circle, it looks better now
- fixed the animation bug when a monster is killed at spawn
- fixed sprite scrolling, now sprites are in phase with background while scrolling
- updated the map editor, see its changelog for details
- added a bunch of new features for maps, like small & transparent monsters, W3 damage style, choice for the colors used in the minimap for painting entities…
- complete rewrite of the sprite engine, now sprites corruptions problems should be fixed
- added a nice zoom effect when building/upgrading towers
- added current window display on minimap
- you can now scroll the map directly by dragging the window on the minimap
- monsters are now hidden and no more over a tower when you build a tower over a dead one
- added a flashing message when a new evolution is available and wasn’t before
- you can now scroll maps in the map selection screen directly by touching the scroll bar
- added the option to build tower by double-tapping
- added the option to choose L/R to work as a switch and don’t need to be held
- added the option to allow to build multiple towers at once
- added the option to choose the position of the in-game build menu
- added an option menu
- added a Linux script for PAFS version
- added multiple paths management (up to 4)
- removed the 40 monsters spawn limit per rounds, now up to 256 monsters per path can be spawned in a round (but remember that only 40 can be active)
- added stereo sound placement
- updated & added some new maps (try the map Hellgate Keeper’s to the new features in action!)
- added a new pathfinder, quite faster than the old one but less accurate little optimizations here and there 🙂
Aside from the readme, included also in the game archive is a very helpful manual in pdf format. If you haven’t been following the continuous updates and development notes of this homebrew game, you can check both of the documents in the zipped download.
Download: Warcraft: Tower Defense v0.4 beta