netConfig for Lua – wireless networking library for Lua code

netConfig for Lua - wireless networking library for Lua code - Image 1PSP homebrew developer shaolan plated another delightful module library for Lua coders out there, and this time it’s all about networking. netConfig for Lua is shaolan’s answer to internetworking over the Sony PlayStation Portable’s wireless networking. Now Lua coders will be able to dream of more advanced applications utilizing all abilities that come with wireless networking, including multiplay and Internet surfing. But first, read the full story.

netConfig for Lua - wireless networking library for Lua code - Image 1

So you’re a Lua coder and have got a great idea for a LUA application or game, but it could never come to fruition because of one thing: you need to use the Sony PlayStation Portable’s wireless network connection. Well programmer shaolan, the homebrew developer behind LuaSQL, swept that hurdle aside with a networking library for Lua code: netConfig for Lua.

Much like LuaSQL, the netConfig library appends its networking configuration to existing Lua code, so it can optionally be integrated for networking support. It can also be invoked via in-line code so you can use the library’s inherent connection abilities to access available WAPs and surf the Web for instance.

The code is available directly from shaolan, but you should save the code in its entirety into a file properly named “netConfig.lua”. The developer’s preference for invoking the library can be used, which goes:

Dofile ( “netConfig.lua”)
netConfig() NetConfig ()

The code shown above will work when netConfig.lua is in the immediate directory the Lua code’s workspace is currently located. With that covered, happy coding!

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