Nethaera clarifies arena team issues

WoW Arena - Image 1 

Feeling a bit dazed and confused about how many rotating players are allowed for you to have in an arena team? Well, you’re not alone in your confusion as a lot of people have been asking about it – to the point that Blizzard poster Nethaera had to clarify some stuff regarding Arena teams. So to avoid any confusion, we give the floor to Nethaera. He says:

You can have double the number of players. So for a 2 v 2 team you can have 4 people on your team. Two of those would be the benchwarmers. In order for the alternates to get arena points though, they would need to participate in (I believe) 30% of the matches.

So the breakdown of how many members on a team is the following:

2 v 2 Team- 4 players total
3 v 3 Team- 6 players total
5 v 5 Team- 10 players total

How you work out who to put in and when is strictly up to you.

There, that was pretty concise and clear, right? Anyhow, be sure to keep checking us out for more updates, clarifications, and mods of World of Warcraft.

Via WoW Forums

WoW Arena - Image 1 

Feeling a bit dazed and confused about how many rotating players are allowed for you to have in an arena team? Well, you’re not alone in your confusion as a lot of people have been asking about it – to the point that Blizzard poster Nethaera had to clarify some stuff regarding Arena teams. So to avoid any confusion, we give the floor to Nethaera. He says:

You can have double the number of players. So for a 2 v 2 team you can have 4 people on your team. Two of those would be the benchwarmers. In order for the alternates to get arena points though, they would need to participate in (I believe) 30% of the matches.

So the breakdown of how many members on a team is the following:

2 v 2 Team- 4 players total
3 v 3 Team- 6 players total
5 v 5 Team- 10 players total

How you work out who to put in and when is strictly up to you.

There, that was pretty concise and clear, right? Anyhow, be sure to keep checking us out for more updates, clarifications, and mods of World of Warcraft.

Via WoW Forums

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