Neubit posts how-to of Chotto Shotto night-vision mod

Neubit's disassembly of the Chotto Shotto for night-vision conversion: the first step towards perversion. Next step: cloning a Hilton sister. - Image 1You’ve seen Neubit‘s Acidmod of Chotto Shotto into an IR-based night vision camera, and suffice to say, you pray one’s not looking down on you as you sleep. Keep praying. F00 f00 tells us that Neubit got around to posting in Acidmods, Part One of his how to turn Sony’s Chotto Shotto into an invasion of privacy lawsuit waiting to happen a night-vision camera.

We’ll leave it as a Read link for the technically inclined to work on, that they may have dark-room recording capabilities, too. We can explain some of the details of the mod (Part One), not to mention how night-vision works, so that people who are still confused as to how night-vision devices (NVD) work will understand the mechanics behind this mod.

Ohyes, Ninja OWNS the night - Domingo Chavez, current RAINBOW Six - Image 1This mod falls under the category of active IR NVDs: they use infrared light (e.g., a remote control IR diode) as a “flashlight” to light up the night. The NVDs you might be more used to are passive NVDs used in the military, such as the one pictured left. They rely on low-light amplification with image intensifiers to lift the blanket of the night. IR NVDs are not normally used in military applications, as the opposition can detect the IR flashlight with their own IR NVDs.

IR-wavelength light is invisible, so our eyes can’t pick them up. The Chotto Shotto camera can pick up IR light, but an IR light filter in the assembly filters out the IR spectrum. Part One of the mod involves taking this filter out of the picture, which (in low-light conditions) turns the Chotto Shotto into an active IR-ready NVD. Part Two, when Neubit posts it, will cover the IR flashlight built into the mod, but even with Part One, you could probably use a remote control as a mobile flashlight for your purposes, if it’s powerful enough.

Now if that purpose involves videos that may require HideMov/HideMedia BETA II video file stealthing… you did not get this idea from us.

Thanks, F00 f00, for getting this idea to us, but we swear we’re not getting any ideas (on how to use this thing)!

Neubit's disassembly of the Chotto Shotto for night-vision conversion: the first step towards perversion. Next step: cloning a Hilton sister. - Image 1You’ve seen Neubit‘s Acidmod of Chotto Shotto into an IR-based night vision camera, and suffice to say, you pray one’s not looking down on you as you sleep. Keep praying. F00 f00 tells us that Neubit got around to posting in Acidmods, Part One of his how to turn Sony’s Chotto Shotto into an invasion of privacy lawsuit waiting to happen a night-vision camera.

We’ll leave it as a Read link for the technically inclined to work on, that they may have dark-room recording capabilities, too. We can explain some of the details of the mod (Part One), not to mention how night-vision works, so that people who are still confused as to how night-vision devices (NVD) work will understand the mechanics behind this mod.

Ohyes, Ninja OWNS the night - Domingo Chavez, current RAINBOW Six - Image 1This mod falls under the category of active IR NVDs: they use infrared light (e.g., a remote control IR diode) as a “flashlight” to light up the night. The NVDs you might be more used to are passive NVDs used in the military, such as the one pictured left. They rely on low-light amplification with image intensifiers to lift the blanket of the night. IR NVDs are not normally used in military applications, as the opposition can detect the IR flashlight with their own IR NVDs.

IR-wavelength light is invisible, so our eyes can’t pick them up. The Chotto Shotto camera can pick up IR light, but an IR light filter in the assembly filters out the IR spectrum. Part One of the mod involves taking this filter out of the picture, which (in low-light conditions) turns the Chotto Shotto into an active IR-ready NVD. Part Two, when Neubit posts it, will cover the IR flashlight built into the mod, but even with Part One, you could probably use a remote control as a mobile flashlight for your purposes, if it’s powerful enough.

Now if that purpose involves videos that may require HideMov/HideMedia BETA II video file stealthing… you did not get this idea from us.

Thanks, F00 f00, for getting this idea to us, but we swear we’re not getting any ideas (on how to use this thing)!

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