New Age IQ Test for PSP

New Age IQ Test for PSP

Access_Denied from our forums is back again with yet another release set to rock your PSP… and your brain. His previous programs such as his Unit Converter and ProgramLua may have had a lot of uses and a nice background, but you can rest assured that this homebrew application from Access_Denied will feature the “lots of uses” part.

Access_Denied’s New Age IQ Test for the PSP does exactly what it says, quizzing your knowledge with a total of 37 questions, and although it won’t display your IQ at the end, it’s always nice to see how well you can do in a general knowledge test isn’t it?

If the first thing you look at is graphics then this isn’t for you. Neither does it use some kind of really complex coding that would get Bill Gates excited, but it does have the raw functionality that’ll keep you occupied for a while. Why not take the test and then give it to your friends to try and decipher who is the most intelligent!

As Access_Denied himself rightly said, “People are taking this test to test their knowledge. If they want to see beautiful artwork, they can go to a museum.”

Both 1.0 and 1.5 Kxploited binary versions have been included in the download.

Download: [New Age IQ Test for PSP]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

New Age IQ Test for PSP

Access_Denied from our forums is back again with yet another release set to rock your PSP… and your brain. His previous programs such as his Unit Converter and ProgramLua may have had a lot of uses and a nice background, but you can rest assured that this homebrew application from Access_Denied will feature the “lots of uses” part.

Access_Denied’s New Age IQ Test for the PSP does exactly what it says, quizzing your knowledge with a total of 37 questions, and although it won’t display your IQ at the end, it’s always nice to see how well you can do in a general knowledge test isn’t it?

If the first thing you look at is graphics then this isn’t for you. Neither does it use some kind of really complex coding that would get Bill Gates excited, but it does have the raw functionality that’ll keep you occupied for a while. Why not take the test and then give it to your friends to try and decipher who is the most intelligent!

As Access_Denied himself rightly said, “People are taking this test to test their knowledge. If they want to see beautiful artwork, they can go to a museum.”

Both 1.0 and 1.5 Kxploited binary versions have been included in the download.

Download: [New Age IQ Test for PSP]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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