New Beta: PSP Dungeons DruMod v2 “Radiosi”

DruMod in action!Drew Medina recently informed our forum-going population of the release of a new beta of his DruMod, which is based on Charnold‘s PSP Dungeons.

This version, which he calls PSP Dungeons DruMod 2 “RadioSi” is his second PSP mod, taking some of the characteristics of the previous Dungeon mods and creating his own textures, weapons, and audio for pretty much everything. Version 2, like his first DruMod outing, also requires you to delete PSP Dungeons 3D v0.6 as he uses a new eBoot for this mod.

This homebrew supports twice the resolution of other dungeon mods at 256×256, though at the cost of using twice the memory. On the other hand, it’s one of the nicest looking homebrews we’ve seen. The map is small though, so you may run out of enthusiasm for running around this one level quickly, but it does promise to make future releases a lot more exciting.

It’s currently tested to work on PSPs with 1.5 firmwares, so if you know what else can run it, or are willing to try, let him know through our forums or on his site. Better still, you can also view a streaming preview of his game, as he’s placed a link on our forums to his little video of the game in action.

His installation instructions are simple though: Copy the entire Dungeons folder into “PSPGAME” folder, so you should see something like “PSPGAMEDungeons” and “PSPGAMEDungeons%”. Just remember to read the forums if you’re new to installing homebrew. We don’t want our readers mucking up their PSPs. Enjoy!

Download:[PSP Dungeons DruMod v2 “RadioSi” (beta)]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

DruMod in action!Drew Medina recently informed our forum-going population of the release of a new beta of his DruMod, which is based on Charnold‘s PSP Dungeons.

This version, which he calls PSP Dungeons DruMod 2 “RadioSi” is his second PSP mod, taking some of the characteristics of the previous Dungeon mods and creating his own textures, weapons, and audio for pretty much everything. Version 2, like his first DruMod outing, also requires you to delete PSP Dungeons 3D v0.6 as he uses a new eBoot for this mod.

This homebrew supports twice the resolution of other dungeon mods at 256×256, though at the cost of using twice the memory. On the other hand, it’s one of the nicest looking homebrews we’ve seen. The map is small though, so you may run out of enthusiasm for running around this one level quickly, but it does promise to make future releases a lot more exciting.

It’s currently tested to work on PSPs with 1.5 firmwares, so if you know what else can run it, or are willing to try, let him know through our forums or on his site. Better still, you can also view a streaming preview of his game, as he’s placed a link on our forums to his little video of the game in action.

His installation instructions are simple though: Copy the entire Dungeons folder into “PSPGAME” folder, so you should see something like “PSPGAMEDungeons” and “PSPGAMEDungeons%”. Just remember to read the forums if you’re new to installing homebrew. We don’t want our readers mucking up their PSPs. Enjoy!

Download:[PSP Dungeons DruMod v2 “RadioSi” (beta)]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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