New colors for the Wiimote and Nunchaku?

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What’s better than a Wiimote and a Nunchuk? A Wiimote and a Nunchuk that comes in the color that you prefer. It’s yet to be confirmed but Nintendo seems to be doing just that as word is getting around that silver, pearl pink, and blue.

Rumors of the sort have floated around in the past few months but no details were revealed. Now, Engadget says that the Wiimote, and possibly the Nunchuk, will wear different hues come June 29th of this year. Pricing is said to be much easier on the pockets in North America at US$ 28. Europeans may shell out twice as much if the buzz is accurate.

The Wiimote has seen several accessories and enhancements lately, making it the most preferred controller among the three next-generation consoles in the market. Its intuitive setup and ease of use has made it popular with kids and casual gamers. Some have even allegedly rigged the controller to work with TVs and PCs.It won’t be a surprise if there’s fire beneath this smoke cloud.

Via GameFront

colored wiimote - Image 1 

What’s better than a Wiimote and a Nunchuk? A Wiimote and a Nunchuk that comes in the color that you prefer. It’s yet to be confirmed but Nintendo seems to be doing just that as word is getting around that silver, pearl pink, and blue.

Rumors of the sort have floated around in the past few months but no details were revealed. Now, Engadget says that the Wiimote, and possibly the Nunchuk, will wear different hues come June 29th of this year. Pricing is said to be much easier on the pockets in North America at US$ 28. Europeans may shell out twice as much if the buzz is accurate.

The Wiimote has seen several accessories and enhancements lately, making it the most preferred controller among the three next-generation consoles in the market. Its intuitive setup and ease of use has made it popular with kids and casual gamers. Some have even allegedly rigged the controller to work with TVs and PCs.It won’t be a surprise if there’s fire beneath this smoke cloud.

Via GameFront

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