New PMP Mod variant with AVC support!


Jonny has released a variant of his PMP Mod homebrew application for the PSP. PMP Mod AVC lets you play media files at full resolution on your PSP using the combination of videos converted into the .PMP movie format and a fully-functional homebrew media playing application on your PSP.

As you’ve probably guessed from the title, PMP Mod AVC supports the AVC video format – great for firmware 1.5 users, as they won’t have to upgrade to 2.0+ to play AVC files! Jonny would like to thank magiK (the author of PMF Player) for unlocking the AVC capabilities. magiK has:PMP Mod AVC

  • Unlocked the avc decoding api
  • Modified x264 to make the stream fully psp compatible
  • Followed/helped Jonny with the decoding api

This is the first version of the program, and a little bit of knowledge about AVC files is required in order to get them to play correctly on your PSP. Here’s what Jonny said:

Compatible streams can be created with x264, here are some command line examples:
x264 –crf 25 -A all –level 3 –pictiming –aud –no-psnr –thread-input –progress –output out.264 in.avs
x264 –bitrate 512 -A all –level 3 –pictiming –aud –no-psnr –thread-input –progress –output out.264 in.avs

In the PMP AVC Muxer you need to specify width, height and fps of the video. I’ve patched x264 to write a file with this information. If the muxer finds this file, information here will be used instead of the one specified manually (so, in a normal situation, you don’t need to specify the info manually).

This special version is completely separate to the original PMP mod, and because this is the first version, has reduced functionality over the full PMP Mod, with reduced options. It runs at 222Mhz at around 67fps, with MP3 decoding responsible for the small amount of lag. AVC files need to be converted to the .PMP movie format using the included muxer. As with all of Jonny’s projects, the source code is freely available to download and modify to your hearts content.

Download: [PMP Mod & Muxer AVC v1.0]
Download: [X264 v1.0]
Download: [PMP Mod AVC v1.00 source pack] – includes AVC Mod, Muxer and X264 sources

Via Jonny


Jonny has released a variant of his PMP Mod homebrew application for the PSP. PMP Mod AVC lets you play media files at full resolution on your PSP using the combination of videos converted into the .PMP movie format and a fully-functional homebrew media playing application on your PSP.

As you’ve probably guessed from the title, PMP Mod AVC supports the AVC video format – great for firmware 1.5 users, as they won’t have to upgrade to 2.0+ to play AVC files! Jonny would like to thank magiK (the author of PMF Player) for unlocking the AVC capabilities. magiK has:PMP Mod AVC

  • Unlocked the avc decoding api
  • Modified x264 to make the stream fully psp compatible
  • Followed/helped Jonny with the decoding api

This is the first version of the program, and a little bit of knowledge about AVC files is required in order to get them to play correctly on your PSP. Here’s what Jonny said:

Compatible streams can be created with x264, here are some command line examples:
x264 –crf 25 -A all –level 3 –pictiming –aud –no-psnr –thread-input –progress –output out.264 in.avs
x264 –bitrate 512 -A all –level 3 –pictiming –aud –no-psnr –thread-input –progress –output out.264 in.avs

In the PMP AVC Muxer you need to specify width, height and fps of the video. I’ve patched x264 to write a file with this information. If the muxer finds this file, information here will be used instead of the one specified manually (so, in a normal situation, you don’t need to specify the info manually).

This special version is completely separate to the original PMP mod, and because this is the first version, has reduced functionality over the full PMP Mod, with reduced options. It runs at 222Mhz at around 67fps, with MP3 decoding responsible for the small amount of lag. AVC files need to be converted to the .PMP movie format using the included muxer. As with all of Jonny’s projects, the source code is freely available to download and modify to your hearts content.

Download: [PMP Mod & Muxer AVC v1.0]
Download: [X264 v1.0]
Download: [PMP Mod AVC v1.00 source pack] – includes AVC Mod, Muxer and X264 sources

Via Jonny

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