New Splinter Cell screens

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Today we bring you five new screenshots of Ubisoft‘s much-awaited Wii version of Splinter Cell: Double Agent. And with the Wiimote and the nunchuk able to control Sam Fisher, as well as loads of spy gadgets, this should really be enough to make your hands itch in anticipation.

Now, don’t think that this is a one-man mission kind of game. Because even if the plot of the story gives that impression, the actual gameplay does in fact provide a whole deal of leeway for you to interact and cooperate with other players through its multiplayer mode. The game is set to reveal itself on your Wii by November 19, so just hang in there a little bit more.

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Pre-Order: [Splinter Cell Double Agent]

Via Jeux-France

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Today we bring you five new screenshots of Ubisoft‘s much-awaited Wii version of Splinter Cell: Double Agent. And with the Wiimote and the nunchuk able to control Sam Fisher, as well as loads of spy gadgets, this should really be enough to make your hands itch in anticipation.

Now, don’t think that this is a one-man mission kind of game. Because even if the plot of the story gives that impression, the actual gameplay does in fact provide a whole deal of leeway for you to interact and cooperate with other players through its multiplayer mode. The game is set to reveal itself on your Wii by November 19, so just hang in there a little bit more.

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Pre-Order: [Splinter Cell Double Agent]

Via Jeux-France

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