New twist: Microsoft working on a “better” Metal Gear Solid 4?

Metal Gear Solid 4 from Konami - Image 1Here’s a new twist to an old rumor: huge PlayStation 3 franchise exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4 has always been surrounded by talks of going multiplatform but now there seems to be a rumor going around that Microsoft is developing a game that will rival the franchise that made Solid Snake a video game staple. Read more about the rumored game in the full article.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots from Konami - Image 1

Here’s a new twist to an old rumor: huge PlayStation 3 franchise exclusive Metal Gear Solid 4 has always been surrounded by talks of going multiplatform but now there seems to be a rumor going around that Microsoft is going at it with a different approach.

The rumor doesn’t say whether Microsoft is still pressing for MGS to go multiplatform. However, it does say that Microsoft is developing a game that will rival the franchise that made Solid Snake a video game staple.

According to the digital grapevine, Microsoft is meeting with a “highly talented studio” to make something “better than Snake.” It doesn’t end there though; the rumor adds that Microsoft executives have already seen the demo of this game and were “thoroughly impressed.”

All the game needs, apparently, is deciding on whether it should be told from a first or third person perspective. The game supposedly takes place in the future and its storyline will be centered on major political events from the last few years.

Perhaps the biggest claim in the rumor is that the game offers visuals that

[…] were previously thought to be next to impossible on the Xbox 360 and is supposed to look better than any PS3 game that has been shown or is available on the platform exclusively till date.

Metal Gear loggerheads and fanatics are going to have an insanely twisted time with the game.

Note though, that aside from the testimony of the source of the rumor, nothing else was offered to support the existence of the game. Perhaps it exists, perhaps it doesn’t. We’ll have to wait for more news to come in.

Then again, we may be waiting for more rumors to come in. Or no news to come in. At any rate, we’ll have to wait and take this rumor with a grain of salt.

Via Game Guru

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