Nintendo features three Metroid Prime: Corruption Japanese TV ads
It’s not uncommon for Nintendo to have Japanese TV spots for its games – the company did that for such titles as Wii Fit. This time, however, Nintendo has shone the spotlight on the Japanese version of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. For a glimpse at how some Japanese gamers play the game, turn to the full article after the jump.
One of the techniques that advertisers use to promote their product is to have customers demonstrate their product’s use to other customers. That’s exactly what Nintendo has done with these three Japanese TV ads for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, as shown below.
Since the announcement that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption would see a Japan release tomorrow, it seems only fitting that Nintendo promote the game via TV advertising. In the three videos, Japanese players use the Wiimote to control Samus Aran’s every action – from running and jumping to blasting various foes to smithereens, to opening access hatches.
The intriguing things to note are the expressions on the faces of the various players. With the possible exception of the Japanese lady in the last video (who shows a hint of a smile), the other two Metroid Prime 3: Corruption players look as if they’re seemingly nonchalant about the whole thing. You’ll see what we mean if you watch the following: