Oh, it’s just a box: inmate escapes from German prison, Solid Snake style

Turkish inmate escapes jail in cardboard box, Solid Snake approves - Image 1Being a slow news day, we have time for a quick laugh.

Think Solid Snake hiding under a cardboard box is as ridiculous as Clark Kent’s glasses? Well, think again. Some guy in a German prison managed to cut his sentence short thanks to that cardboard box. Sneak your way into the full article for more details.

Turkish inmate escapes jail in cardboard box, Solid Snake approves - Image 1Being a slow news day, we have time for a quick laugh.

Think Solid Snake hiding under a cardboard box is as ridiculous as Clark Kent’s glasses? Well, think again. Some guy in a German prison managed to cut his sentence short thanks to a cardboard box.

The 42-year-old Turkish citizen climbed into the cardboard box and mailed himself out of prison. By express courier no less. If they ever suspected that it moved, they probably thought “oh, it’s just box.”

Once the courier passed through the gates, the inmate cut a hole in the tarp and made a run for it. The man is still at large, but is already  forever part of the “Cardboard Box” entry in the Metal Gear Wiki.


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