Oh, the drama: Eternal Sonata Prologues 1 & 2

Tri-Crescendo‘s Trusty Bell: Chopin’s Dream (AKA Eternal Sonata) was released in Japan a few days back. While most every 360 owner on that side of the planet is in a 3D quasi-cel-shaded RPG funk, North America still has to wait until September. Don’t worry though, we’re still treated with more in-game media until then. Today’s videos: the prologues.

Too bad Google Translate nor Babelfish can handle Japanese videos. But regardless, it’s still worth watching. Oh, the drama of it all. The first prologue video has Chopin in a field of purple flowers and talking to Polka, who we’re assuming is speaking of how she wants to use her powers to find a cure to their illnesses. The second video shows a man and a woman conversing over the sleeping body of Chopin – most probably about his failing condition.

Check out the videos below (you might want to keep a tissue box handy). Now maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t Polka remind you of a tame version of Kid from Chrono Cross?

Tri-Crescendo‘s Trusty Bell: Chopin’s Dream (AKA Eternal Sonata) was released in Japan a few days back. While most every 360 owner on that side of the planet is in a 3D quasi-cel-shaded RPG funk, North America still has to wait until September. Don’t worry though, we’re still treated with more in-game media until then. Today’s videos: the prologues.

Too bad Google Translate nor Babelfish can handle Japanese videos. But regardless, it’s still worth watching. Oh, the drama of it all. The first prologue video has Chopin in a field of purple flowers and talking to Polka, who we’re assuming is speaking of how she wants to use her powers to find a cure to their illnesses. The second video shows a man and a woman conversing over the sleeping body of Chopin – most probably about his failing condition.

Check out the videos below (you might want to keep a tissue box handy). Now maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t Polka remind you of a tame version of Kid from Chrono Cross?

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