Online PSP service NESPOT says bye-bye

NESPOT PSP says goodbye to Korea - Image 1

In case you are not aware, when the PlayStation Portable first arrived in South Korea back in 2005, it also came with NESPOT Network Utility UMD. It’s actually an online service for the PSP, and Sony Computer Entertainment Korea (SCEK) asked the help of Korean network provider KT Corp with the service. Now, we’d like to inform you that our Korean friends will be saying goodbye to the service come May 31 this year. There was no explanation given on why the service is being terminated.

Two years ago, the Korean version of PSP Value Pack came in with a free temporary subscription to the online wireless service (aside from the network utility disc) to help generate interest. The service, we should say, has really been utilized during its run. There was even a video game title called GloRace that used the service for its online PSP functionality. Aside from that, users were also able to access various content from the network provider such as music and videos.

Via PSP Gate

NESPOT PSP says goodbye to Korea - Image 1

In case you are not aware, when the PlayStation Portable first arrived in South Korea back in 2005, it also came with NESPOT Network Utility UMD. It’s actually an online service for the PSP, and Sony Computer Entertainment Korea (SCEK) asked the help of Korean network provider KT Corp with the service. Now, we’d like to inform you that our Korean friends will be saying goodbye to the service come May 31 this year. There was no explanation given on why the service is being terminated.

Two years ago, the Korean version of PSP Value Pack came in with a free temporary subscription to the online wireless service (aside from the network utility disc) to help generate interest. The service, we should say, has really been utilized during its run. There was even a video game title called GloRace that used the service for its online PSP functionality. Aside from that, users were also able to access various content from the network provider such as music and videos.

Via PSP Gate

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