Pachinko site mentions Persona 5 PS3 announcement then removes it

Persona 5? - Image 1Sometimes, it’s what’s not there that clues you in on what’s going to happen next. Kinda like how the surf recedes just before a tsunami hits. Tortured analogy aside, rumors about a PS3 outing for Persona 5 have been circulating the ‘Net over the weekend. More fuel was added to the rumors by an announcement for a pachinko machine based on the Shin Megami Tensei series spotted at Japanese website 7Rush which mentioned the game briefly. Well, at least it used to.

Sometimes, it’s what’s not there that clues you in on what’s going to happen next. Kinda like how the surf recedes just before a tsunami hits.

Tortured analogy aside, rumors about a PS3 outing for Persona 5 have been circulating the ‘Net over the weekend. More fuel was added to the rumors by an announcement for a pachinko machine based on the Shin Megami Tensei series spotted at Japanese website 7Rush.

The announcement in question included a brief mention of Persona 5 towards the end, saying that the game was scheduled to be announced for the Sony PS3. That’s what it used to say, anyway, as the part about Persona 5 has since been removed without any explanation. A request from Atlus maybe?

Here are screencaps of the announcement, with the old one on the left and the new Persona 5-less one on the right. The pertinent text is highlighted in pink.

Persona 5 announcement? - Image 1 Persona 5 announcement? - Image 2

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Via Andriasang

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