Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light is XBL exclusive for a month
Xbox 360 gamers will be getting Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light on August 18th. PS3 and PC owners, however, will have to wait at...
Enslaved demo and DLC confirmed
Ninja Theory head honcho Tameem Antoniades has confirmed that Enslaved: Odyssey to the West will be getting a demo. Oh, and DLC too....
Activision unveils new James Bond game
After a lot of rumors and speculation, Activision has finally unveiled Bizarre Creations’ James Bond game, James Bond 007: Blood Stone. First details are available past...
Watch: Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team Japanese teaser
Those looking for some furious anime action on their PSPs would do well to check out this new Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team teaser ad...
Battlefield: Bad Company Onslaught mode NOT confirmed for PC
It seems DICE is having a bit of a communication problem. Following a “confirmation” that Onslaught mode is coming to Battlefield: Bad Company 2‘s PC...
Madden NFL 11 demo dated
That “late July” release EA pegged for the Madden NFL 11 demo is vague no more. The publisher recently announced the demo’s official launch date....
Double Fine has four new games in deelopment
Tim Schafer had a bit of a bittersweet message for Double Fine fans at the Develop event in the UK. A Brutal Legend sequel has apparently...
StarCraft 2 official system requirements revealed
Getting ready for a Zerg rush? Better make sure your PC meets these StarCraft 2 system requirements then....
Sega no longer patching Aliens vs. Predator console versions
It looks like Aliens vs. Predator players will have to content themselves with the Bughunt map pack. Sega is cutting further support for the game’s PS3...
Call of Duty: Black Ops boxart now official
The image you will see after the jum is the official box art for Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops. But who is that guy...