Pi Calc v1

Pi! - Image 1We’d love to insert a joke about eating pie here, but then that doesn’t really do justice to the awesomeness of this little useful application. Homebrew coder Art has created Pi Calc version 1, an application that calculates Pi for users, up to 30,000 digits of Pi to be exact.

As Art explains in his readme, there are a couple of reasons for wanting to know the value of Pi:

One is a benchmark, or speed test when running the same program across different platforms. Another is to generate seemingly random numbers, or seeds for algorithms that produce pseudo random numbers. Another reason is just for fun!

Instructions on installing and using Pi Calc version 1 can be found in the included readme, which you would do well to read. Definitely useful for class, or if you want to score some extra credit with your prof for finding a useful app for Sony‘s handheld. For those who simply want to remember Pi for class though, we recommend memorizing the following sentence, with the number of letters in each word representing the first six digits of Pi: “Did I love a dream, Elizabeth?” (3.14159)

Download: Pi Calc v1
Visit: PSP Development Forum

Pi! - Image 1We’d love to insert a joke about eating pie here, but then that doesn’t really do justice to the awesomeness of this little useful application. Homebrew coder Art has created Pi Calc version 1, an application that calculates Pi for users, up to 30,000 digits of Pi to be exact.

As Art explains in his readme, there are a couple of reasons for wanting to know the value of Pi:

One is a benchmark, or speed test when running the same program across different platforms. Another is to generate seemingly random numbers, or seeds for algorithms that produce pseudo random numbers. Another reason is just for fun!

Instructions on installing and using Pi Calc version 1 can be found in the included readme, which you would do well to read. Definitely useful for class, or if you want to score some extra credit with your prof for finding a useful app for Sony‘s handheld. For those who simply want to remember Pi for class though, we recommend memorizing the following sentence, with the number of letters in each word representing the first six digits of Pi: “Did I love a dream, Elizabeth?” (3.14159)

Download: Pi Calc v1
Visit: PSP Development Forum

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