Playboy’s Shooter v1.0: PSP Homebrew Idol Competition 2008 entry

Playboy's Shooter - Image 1Fans of top-down shooters might want to check out Playboy‘s Shooter for the PSP. This homebrew was one of the entries in the recent PSP-Hacks Homebrew Idol Competition 2008. To find out more about this application, head on over to the full article.

Download: Playboy’s Shooter v1.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

Playboy's Shooter - Image 1Homebrew developer Playboy has decided to enter his first homebrew, Playboy’s Shooter, into the PSP-Hacks Homebrew Idol Competition 2008. This top-down shooter has players piloting a ship as they take down different enemy ships.

Playboy’s Shooter offers different user-controlled ships, each with its own specific characteristics such as handling and speed. In addition, each ship has its own unique “bullet” which dictates the kind of firepower it is packing.

The developer also came out with a “change-log” for the program which details all the improvements that were made since the unreleased version 0.5 of the application:

  • Added ship choose menu (four ships)
  • New bullets and added different speeds for each ship.
  • Changed the up-pause button to make it easier to resume the game.
  • Added a new level.
  • Added power-ups to make it easier to complete the level.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the psp to freeze.
  • Added a few asteroids to the background.
  • New XMB style menu.
  • Added a scrolling like credits.
  • Added a start screen.
  • Added a loading screen.
  • Fixed a freeze bug by preloading all the images.
  • Added a score system.
  • Added menu scroll sounds.
  • Added a gameover image.
  • Added a simple nickname display in the main menu.

If you plan on downloading the application be sure to go over the readme file included for the full installation instructions and controls of the program.

Download: Playboy’s Shooter v1.0
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Development Forums

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