PlayStation addict diagnosed with ‘mental detachment’

Addict - Image 1An Italian 13 year-old boy was rushed to the hospital after his father found him in a shocked stupor. The kid, one Lorenzo Amato, didn’t seem to respond to anything around him – initially, they though he suffered from stroke. Cue panicked father, sound the sirens. You know what they say about having too much of a good thing… For Lorenzo, it seems he just had too much of his PlayStation that he now feels like throwing up just thinking about it.

PlayStation Nation - book - Image 1An Italian 13 year-old boy was rushed to the hospital after his father found him in a shocked stupor. The kid, one Lorenzo Amato, didn’t seem to respond to anything around him – he couldn’t even speak. Cue panicked father, sound the sirens.

Once rushed to the emergency room, the doctors first thought that the kid must have suffered from a stroke or some other serious brain impairment.

Eventually, the father described to the doctors that he discovered Lorenzo in this way after a PlayStation (not specified which kind of PlayStation) marathon for hours on end.

Antonio Buccoliero, a local politician in Italy, commented on the matter:

They eventually managed to take care of him once they understood that this was a strange kind of mental detachment connected to his PlayStation.

Again, they didn’t seem to specify which kind of PlayStation.

From all indications, it seems that Lorenzo Amato has recovered from whatever mental shock he’s been through (man, I wonder what he was playing at that time?). However, that doesn’t mean he’s on the greenlight. Apparently, he’s scarred and traumatized for life.

The report explains that he asked his father to get rid of his PlayStation, saying that “I feel like throwing up if I even have to think about it.”

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