Pokemon Diamond and Pearl page now up
MidnightScott, one of Go Nintendo’s readers, managed to uncover a page that had no site link to it on the Pokemon website. What he stumbled upon (or did he hack the site and then notice it?) was a splash page for the upcoming release of the two new pocket monster games, Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl.
Some time later, we checked the Pokemon website and found that they’ve finally created the connecting link to it from the main page. As one who adores the pocket monsters, this writer couldn’t ignore the news.
Unfortunately, there’s still not a lot of info on the game. All we know is that it’s meant for a 2007 release, and it’s probably going to hit in the springtime. What they have shown is some information on a pre-evolution form of Snorlax known as Munchlax, as well as the evolved form of Sneasel, a dark-ice type monster known as Weavile.
We’ll keep on checking the pages to get the latest news to you, so until we hear more on the US and UK release dates, just keep a close watch on our poke-pages for more information. Happy gaming, everyone.
MidnightScott, one of Go Nintendo’s readers, managed to uncover a page that had no site link to it on the Pokemon website. What he stumbled upon (or did he hack the site and then notice it?) was a splash page for the upcoming release of the two new pocket monster games, Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl.
Some time later, we checked the Pokemon website and found that they’ve finally created the connecting link to it from the main page. As one who adores the pocket monsters, this writer couldn’t ignore the news.
Unfortunately, there’s still not a lot of info on the game. All we know is that it’s meant for a 2007 release, and it’s probably going to hit in the springtime. What they have shown is some information on a pre-evolution form of Snorlax known as Munchlax, as well as the evolved form of Sneasel, a dark-ice type monster known as Weavile.
We’ll keep on checking the pages to get the latest news to you, so until we hear more on the US and UK release dates, just keep a close watch on our poke-pages for more information. Happy gaming, everyone.