Project Gray Company Designer Diaries

If you needed proof that EA‘s Redwood Shore’s halls were filled with ball juggling, window licking, umbrella flapping , mohawked weirdos, look no further than these  fine videos.

The folks behind EA’s ambitious next generation open world RPG, currently codenamed Project Gray Company kindly take us for a spin round their offices, specifically the game production, art and sound departments. On the way we’ll stop by Korea to see what kind of promising sound mixing technology EA plans on using to make videogame audio more dynamic and interactive. We’ll also get a glimpse at how they go about generating an entire world, c omplete with forests, fjords (narf!) mountain ranges, valleys, swamps and expansive plains.

Project Gray Company

Download the video diaries by clicking the image above, or the link below.

Download: [Project Gray Company – Designer Diaries 1-4] ZIP file, 106MB

If you needed proof that EA‘s Redwood Shore’s halls were filled with ball juggling, window licking, umbrella flapping , mohawked weirdos, look no further than these  fine videos.

The folks behind EA’s ambitious next generation open world RPG, currently codenamed Project Gray Company kindly take us for a spin round their offices, specifically the game production, art and sound departments. On the way we’ll stop by Korea to see what kind of promising sound mixing technology EA plans on using to make videogame audio more dynamic and interactive. We’ll also get a glimpse at how they go about generating an entire world, c omplete with forests, fjords (narf!) mountain ranges, valleys, swamps and expansive plains.

Project Gray Company

Download the video diaries by clicking the image above, or the link below.

Download: [Project Gray Company – Designer Diaries 1-4] ZIP file, 106MB

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