Protect your Sony consoles with Continuous Play

Continuous Play - Image 1In a move that will surely give gamers in the U.K. more peace of mind when it comes to their Sony video game consoles being damaged due to accidents, Sony has come up with “Continuous Play”, an extended warranty service for the PS2, PS3 and PSP.

Continuous Play is, according to the official website’s FAQ, a plan to protect gamers should their Sony gaming consoles develop a fault after the warranty expires or if it’s damaged by accident. For a few pounds a month, gamers that have signed up for the Continuous Play service can get their problematic or damaged consoles replaced, usually within two working days.

The plan stays in place even after you’ve already gotten your replacement, so you can get another replacement for as many times as needed. Provided you keep paying the monthly fees, of course. The monthly cost for protecting a PS2 or a PSP is set at UK£ 2.49. If you have a PS3, you can also get it covered for UK£ 4.99 a month.

The Continuous Play service is for the U.K. only, but hopefully it will also become available to gamers outside the U.K. If you want to learn more about it, feel free to click on the “Read” link below.

Continuous Play - Image 1In a move that will surely give gamers in the U.K. more peace of mind when it comes to their Sony video game consoles being damaged due to accidents, Sony has come up with “Continuous Play”, an extended warranty service for the PS2, PS3 and PSP.

Continuous Play is, according to the official website’s FAQ, a plan to protect gamers should their Sony gaming consoles develop a fault after the warranty expires or if it’s damaged by accident. For a few pounds a month, gamers that have signed up for the Continuous Play service can get their problematic or damaged consoles replaced, usually within two working days.

The plan stays in place even after you’ve already gotten your replacement, so you can get another replacement for as many times as needed. Provided you keep paying the monthly fees, of course. The monthly cost for protecting a PS2 or a PSP is set at UK£ 2.49. If you have a PS3, you can also get it covered for UK£ 4.99 a month.

The Continuous Play service is for the U.K. only, but hopefully it will also become available to gamers outside the U.K. If you want to learn more about it, feel free to click on the “Read” link below.

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