PS3 Cell joins the U.S. Army

ps3 cellEven if the PS3 loses the next-gen console war, it already has a new career waiting for it – in the military service. Mercury Computer announced it is developing battlefield systems that will use the PS3’s Cell Processor. The system will use gaming and artificial intelligence technologies that will enable army, marines, air force, and navy personnel to sense and interpret battlefield data better.

According to Mercury Computer, the technology that give video games that uber realistic flair is something that the military can use. “Game devices and other simulation software applications often leverage a layer of software that performs calculations that simulate reality [such as] gravity, collision dynamics, [and] waves.”

Next thing you know the U.S. Military will arm its soldiers with a weapon that looks suspiciously like the Wiimote.

Via Red Herring

ps3 cellEven if the PS3 loses the next-gen console war, it already has a new career waiting for it – in the military service. Mercury Computer announced it is developing battlefield systems that will use the PS3’s Cell Processor. The system will use gaming and artificial intelligence technologies that will enable army, marines, air force, and navy personnel to sense and interpret battlefield data better.

According to Mercury Computer, the technology that give video games that uber realistic flair is something that the military can use. “Game devices and other simulation software applications often leverage a layer of software that performs calculations that simulate reality [such as] gravity, collision dynamics, [and] waves.”

Next thing you know the U.S. Military will arm its soldiers with a weapon that looks suspiciously like the Wiimote.

Via Red Herring

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