PS3 sales may outdo Xbox 360, says analysts

NPD numbers - Image 1According to Lazard’s Colin Sebastian, PS3’s recent price cut and Microsoft‘s recuperation from console failure may very well propel the sales of Sony‘s next-gen console above and beyond Microsoft’s Xbox 360. We have seen the huge difference the US$ 100 price cut has done to the PS3: Amazon PS3 sales went up by 2800%, and analyst Michael Pachter has seen a better future for the PS3 in terms of sales. Indeed, the PS3 has greatly benefited from the price cut.

Even fantasy video game prediction market simExchange has presented their predictions of how the coming NPD sales results turn out, which will be released on Thursday – their numbers are favorable towards the PS3 as well:

Nintendo DS – 486K units
Wii – 356K units
PSP – 241K units
PS3 – 164K units
Xbox 360 – 137K units

It’s certainly consistent with NPD’s last report, except for the the fact that analysts are betting that PS3 will prevail over the Xbox 360 this time. Will Sony PS3’s numbers win over the Xbox? Stay tuned.

Via Gamasutra

NPD numbers - Image 1According to Lazard’s Colin Sebastian, PS3’s recent price cut and Microsoft‘s recuperation from console failure may very well propel the sales of Sony‘s next-gen console above and beyond Microsoft’s Xbox 360. We have seen the huge difference the US$ 100 price cut has done to the PS3: Amazon PS3 sales went up by 2800%, and analyst Michael Pachter has seen a better future for the PS3 in terms of sales. Indeed, the PS3 has greatly benefited from the price cut.

Even fantasy video game prediction market simExchange has presented their predictions of how the coming NPD sales results turn out, which will be released on Thursday – their numbers are favorable towards the PS3 as well:

Nintendo DS – 486K units
Wii – 356K units
PSP – 241K units
PS3 – 164K units
Xbox 360 – 137K units

It’s certainly consistent with NPD’s last report, except for the the fact that analysts are betting that PS3 will prevail over the Xbox 360 this time. Will Sony PS3’s numbers win over the Xbox? Stay tuned.

Via Gamasutra

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