PSP games on the PS3: Is it sustainable?

PSP PS3We came across an interesting article that might stir up some speculations for PS3 and PSP owners. Let us discuss it with you. We may remember some time ago, the PlayStation store began featuring once PSP-exclusive titles like Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. The game featured 1080p, and handles very much like its PSP kin. Then there’s Gripshift, another once-PSP exclusive now available for the PS3 via the PlayStation store.

In comparison, the Virtual Console vends mostly in classic game consoles (NES and Megadrive), while the Xbox Live deals with titles exclusive to its community (Geometry Wars and UNO). In the case of the PlayStation Store, we have a healthy lineup of PS1 titles, along with the aforementioned ports which may be the start of a growing trend. Now, here’s the rub: where would that leave out Sony‘s portable…at least with regards to exclusive UMD titles?

Think about it – If we can download Tekken DR to the bigger console, what’s stopping them from making it downloadable to the PSP, much like remote-played PSOne games (which is not allowed)? On one hand, this bolsters the PS3’s lineup with old fan favorites. On the other, this move may weaken the exclusivity of Sony’s portable, itself also needing a solid lineup. Not to say that the PSP is not without some killer titles this year – Crisis Core comes to mind, as with other sought-after titles.

Just a little food for thought for the PSP owners out there.

Via PSP fanboy

PSP PS3We came across an interesting article that might stir up some speculations for PS3 and PSP owners. Let us discuss it with you. We may remember some time ago, the PlayStation store began featuring once PSP-exclusive titles like Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. The game featured 1080p, and handles very much like its PSP kin. Then there’s Gripshift, another once-PSP exclusive now available for the PS3 via the PlayStation store.

In comparison, the Virtual Console vends mostly in classic game consoles (NES and Megadrive), while the Xbox Live deals with titles exclusive to its community (Geometry Wars and UNO). In the case of the PlayStation Store, we have a healthy lineup of PS1 titles, along with the aforementioned ports which may be the start of a growing trend. Now, here’s the rub: where would that leave out Sony‘s portable…at least with regards to exclusive UMD titles?

Think about it – If we can download Tekken DR to the bigger console, what’s stopping them from making it downloadable to the PSP, much like remote-played PSOne games (which is not allowed)? On one hand, this bolsters the PS3’s lineup with old fan favorites. On the other, this move may weaken the exclusivity of Sony’s portable, itself also needing a solid lineup. Not to say that the PSP is not without some killer titles this year – Crisis Core comes to mind, as with other sought-after titles.

Just a little food for thought for the PSP owners out there.

Via PSP fanboy

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