PSP Guitar v.01 Released

While yesterday we saw the release of PSPiano, a similar Lua program has been released today from Sousanator called PSP Guitar. To create the illusion of actual playing a guitar, you play this game by holding the PSP sideways and “strumming” the analog stick. You can then hold down Start, Select, or R to alter the notes played when you push the analog stick up or down. In future releases, he hopes to include a visualizer effect, electric guitar sounds, a possible change of controls, and even a way to record your performance.

Download: [PSP Guitar v.01 for Lua]
While yesterday we saw the release of PSPiano, a similar Lua program has been released today from Sousanator called PSP Guitar. To create the illusion of actual playing a guitar, you play this game by holding the PSP sideways and “strumming” the analog stick. You can then hold down Start, Select, or R to alter the notes played when you push the analog stick up or down. In future releases, he hopes to include a visualizer effect, electric guitar sounds, a possible change of controls, and even a way to record your performance.

Download: [PSP Guitar v.01 for Lua]

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