PSP USB Gadgets Connector mod: connect any USB gadget to your handheld

Logo of Sony PlayStation Portable handheld - Image 1Instead of using your PlayStation Portable’s USB slot to charge your handheld, why not try and plugging your toaster into it and see if it will work. This rather offbeat concept may soon be possible with the advent of a new mod developed by Osole from the PSP-Generation forums. The USB Gadgets Connector mod allows you to connect just about any USB gadget into a modded adaptor added on the top of your handheld. Check out the details of this nifty mod in our full article.

USB gadgets connector mod for the PlayStation Portable - Image 1Don’t think that the USB attachment on Sony‘s PlayStation Portable is only good for charging your handheld. Modder Osole on the PSP-Generation forums was able to come up with a new mod which allows you to connect just about any USB gadget into a modded adaptor added on the top of your handheld.

The tutorial found on the PSP-Generation forums enumerates the different components needed and explains the steps in how to go about completing this mod on your handheld.

The main point of the mod is to basically install a diode and establish a sort of electrical protection onto the PSP’s USB slot. You can then connect a small 5-pin USB adaptor from there, which you can connect to most USB-compatible gadgets.

We would have to agree with the modder’s comment, which stated that “we are [getting] closer and closer to the PSP toaster” thanks to the results of this rather impressive mod. You can view several videos of the USB Gadgets Connector mod in action through the source link that we’ve provided below.

If you plan on turning your playing Frankenstein and configuring your PSP in the same way, please take note of the detailed instructions found on the modder’s thread on the PSP-Generation forum before you try it.

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