PSPFlash-Card v0.3 mean it don't mean Auto addiction? dang... - Image 1 

If you guys know homebrew developer HardHat, then you’ll remember his PSPFlash-Card homebrew. Given that it’s been a while since its last update, we’re happy to announce that HardHat’s just released version 3. For the guys who can’t recall, PSPFlash-Card is a homebrew game developed to help tutor PSP gamers via a series of quizzes. Moving on, here are the noted changes to this version:

  • New Definition mode: Allows you to see the definition and guess the terms that they define.
  • New Batch mode: Shows the cards in groups of 5, so that the hard-to-remember terms are repeated more often when you get them wrong.
  • New Replenishing system:  There is a deck of waiting cards that fills the batch all the time. That way you’ll see the trouble cards at least once for every batch size.

As with every homebrew out there, make sure to view the README provided in the bundle. And as with the previous versions, the brew is open sourced – which would be your cue to see what sort innovations you can bring to his quiz game. Enjoy the download, and make sure to check out HardHat’s previous games. Thanks, dude!

Download:[PSPFlash-Card v3 fw1.0]
Download:[PSPFlash-Card v3kx fw 1.5]
Discuss:[Forum release thread] mean it don't mean Auto addiction? dang... - Image 1 

If you guys know homebrew developer HardHat, then you’ll remember his PSPFlash-Card homebrew. Given that it’s been a while since its last update, we’re happy to announce that HardHat’s just released version 3. For the guys who can’t recall, PSPFlash-Card is a homebrew game developed to help tutor PSP gamers via a series of quizzes. Moving on, here are the noted changes to this version:

  • New Definition mode: Allows you to see the definition and guess the terms that they define.
  • New Batch mode: Shows the cards in groups of 5, so that the hard-to-remember terms are repeated more often when you get them wrong.
  • New Replenishing system:  There is a deck of waiting cards that fills the batch all the time. That way you’ll see the trouble cards at least once for every batch size.

As with every homebrew out there, make sure to view the README provided in the bundle. And as with the previous versions, the brew is open sourced – which would be your cue to see what sort innovations you can bring to his quiz game. Enjoy the download, and make sure to check out HardHat’s previous games. Thanks, dude!

Download:[PSPFlash-Card v3 fw1.0]
Download:[PSPFlash-Card v3kx fw 1.5]
Discuss:[Forum release thread]

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