PSP-FTPD v0.3.7 – Now with UMD support

PSP-FTPDHow about a second helping of a Zx-81-made program today? I knew you wouldn’t say no. Zx has released an update for his FTP server application for the PSP, PSP-FTPD, today updating it to version 0.3.7. PSP FTPD uses the PSP’s WiFi connection in order to to transfer files from your PC to your PSP through a PC FTP application.

Zx-81 recommends FileZilla for Windows users, and gFtp for Linux users. Two versions have actually been made recently since we last reported on PSP-FTPD, so here are the changelogs:


  • Fixed the bug with DHCP on FW 1.5


  • Fixed the bug that appears when you delete a network access point entry in the network settings (then no more wifi connections are displayed in the menu …)
  • UMDs can now be read!

This version only works with firmware 1.5, with the source code included in the download, so any 2.0-2.6 users out there should download PSP-FTPD v0.3.5 which can be found here.

Download: [PSP-FTPD v0.3.7]

Via Zx-81’s blog

PSP-FTPDHow about a second helping of a Zx-81-made program today? I knew you wouldn’t say no. Zx has released an update for his FTP server application for the PSP, PSP-FTPD, today updating it to version 0.3.7. PSP FTPD uses the PSP’s WiFi connection in order to to transfer files from your PC to your PSP through a PC FTP application.

Zx-81 recommends FileZilla for Windows users, and gFtp for Linux users. Two versions have actually been made recently since we last reported on PSP-FTPD, so here are the changelogs:


  • Fixed the bug with DHCP on FW 1.5


  • Fixed the bug that appears when you delete a network access point entry in the network settings (then no more wifi connections are displayed in the menu …)
  • UMDs can now be read!

This version only works with firmware 1.5, with the source code included in the download, so any 2.0-2.6 users out there should download PSP-FTPD v0.3.5 which can be found here.

Download: [PSP-FTPD v0.3.7]

Via Zx-81’s blog

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