PSPTube 20080114 now out
January 14, 2008
Just a day after SofiyaCat released PSPTube 20080113, the homebrew developer managed to fix a couple of bugs and launched the newest version, 20080114. The changelog in the full article.
Download: PSPTube 20080114
If you had problems with the latest release of SofiyaCat‘s PSPTube, specifically the PSPTube 20080113, then here’s the thing that you need. Just a day after PSPTube 20080113 was made available, homebrew developer SofiyaCat managed to fix two of the bugs that plagued the streaming video application.
So here’s the short list of bugs that are fixed in this particular version, as translated by our weblator:
- Dailymotion settings that are not logged out and search. -> fixed in version 20080114
- Play stopped immediately after the play and stop play immediately after the freeze. -> Press gently -> please. -> fixed in version 20080114
We’ll just leave it up to you in trying to decode the text. Enjoy the download!
Download: PSPTube 20080114
Via NekoMiMi