PvP Pong – Football version

footy version PvP PongBlackShark‘s PvP Pong may not be perfect but it’s been getting good responses from people who’ve tried it. And the most common commentary about this new Lua-coded ‘brew game is that it has “nice GFX” (that’s from pspgamer81, who helped the developer learn about Lua). Now I’m pretty sure the basketball court-ish background was one of the things that made the GFX rock. But that doesn’t mean we all can’t use some tweaking and a new background, aight?

Ricz has just made a “Football Version” of PvP Pong. “Everything is the same,” Ricz says, save for the background which was turned into neon green to adopt a football field-ish feel, the ball (now colored black for easy spotting vis-a-vis the original’s white), and the paddles. So controls are still up-down for player 1/left paddle and triangle-X for player 2/right paddle.

Click away on the download link and if you have any feedback and suggestions, you know the drill – there’s the comment section and the forum release thread. Have fun!

Download: [PvP Pong – Football version]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

footy version PvP PongBlackShark‘s PvP Pong may not be perfect but it’s been getting good responses from people who’ve tried it. And the most common commentary about this new Lua-coded ‘brew game is that it has “nice GFX” (that’s from pspgamer81, who helped the developer learn about Lua). Now I’m pretty sure the basketball court-ish background was one of the things that made the GFX rock. But that doesn’t mean we all can’t use some tweaking and a new background, aight?

Ricz has just made a “Football Version” of PvP Pong. “Everything is the same,” Ricz says, save for the background which was turned into neon green to adopt a football field-ish feel, the ball (now colored black for easy spotting vis-a-vis the original’s white), and the paddles. So controls are still up-down for player 1/left paddle and triangle-X for player 2/right paddle.

Click away on the download link and if you have any feedback and suggestions, you know the drill – there’s the comment section and the forum release thread. Have fun!

Download: [PvP Pong – Football version]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]

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