QJ Asks: What kills you in MMOs?

BLARGH! I R DEAD! - Image 1 

Lowbies and newbies do it often. For hardcore raiders, it happens a lot. It’s an inescapable fact of life in the MMO world whether you be Blizzard or NCSoft. It’s a rite of passage that cannot be denied. It’s called death, and there are a myriad of ways in which your MMO’s avatar could have gone through it.

I remember my first death rather clearly. I was still playing Ragnarok Online then, and I stumbled into the middle of a world event as a lowbie. Thinking that the green colored jelly monster was an easy one, I struck it with my pitiful level 10 sword…

Alas, poor Civrot, the novice. I knew him well. He died that day, for the very first time, because he underestimated a weak-looking creature.

Since then, the myriad ways by which death visited my avatars has steadily increased. I’ve experienced being trounced by orcs, by undead, and by blood elves. I’ve been frost shocked, shadow bolted, and backstabbed. I’ve fallen off cliffs, bridges, and even the very edges of Outland into the great unknown. Worst of all, I’ve been killed by weak creatures that had the benefit of lag on their side…

Time and time again.

It’s painful to remember, and yet we still keep playing the games we love. How about you? What makes you die in MMOs, and what’s been responsible for the most memorable death you’ve ever had in-game?

BLARGH! I R DEAD! - Image 1 

Lowbies and newbies do it often. For hardcore raiders, it happens a lot. It’s an inescapable fact of life in the MMO world whether you be Blizzard or NCSoft. It’s a rite of passage that cannot be denied. It’s called death, and there are a myriad of ways in which your MMO’s avatar could have gone through it.

I remember my first death rather clearly. I was still playing Ragnarok Online then, and I stumbled into the middle of a world event as a lowbie. Thinking that the green colored jelly monster was an easy one, I struck it with my pitiful level 10 sword…

Alas, poor Civrot, the novice. I knew him well. He died that day, for the very first time, because he underestimated a weak-looking creature.

Since then, the myriad ways by which death visited my avatars has steadily increased. I’ve experienced being trounced by orcs, by undead, and by blood elves. I’ve been frost shocked, shadow bolted, and backstabbed. I’ve fallen off cliffs, bridges, and even the very edges of Outland into the great unknown. Worst of all, I’ve been killed by weak creatures that had the benefit of lag on their side…

Time and time again.

It’s painful to remember, and yet we still keep playing the games we love. How about you? What makes you die in MMOs, and what’s been responsible for the most memorable death you’ve ever had in-game?

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