QJ’s Developer of the Year Awards

developer - Image 1It’s time recognise those developers that really helped make this year something special for all of us gamers. A lot of hard work, sweat, dedication and long hours go into making the games we play, so here are a few words from us at QJ to say thanks, and keep up the good work.

So who made the list? Who makes your list? Let us know after the jump.

It’s time recognise those developers that really helped make this year something special for all of us gamers. A lot of hard work, sweat, dedication and long hours go into making the games we play, so here are a few words from us at QJ to say thanks, and keep up the good work.

Here are the folks each of our editors have singled out as the best developers of the year.

Gino D:

Developer of the Year: Criterion Games

Continued support with *free* Burnout Paradise DLC, ’nuff said.

Isaac C:

Developer of the Year: Rockstar Games

Rockstar can do no wrong *tries not to think of Manhunt 2 in trash*

Mabie A:

Developer of the Year: Media Molecule

Thanks for LittleBigPlanet.

Glenn M:

Developer of the Year: Media Molecule

LBP. ‘Nuff said.

Chris C:

Developer of the Year: Criterion Games

Burnout Paradise is a model for what this generation of games should aspire to be. It’s polished to a sheen, it’s a huge chunk of game, and over the course of the year Criterion saw it fit to gift gamers with major additions that expanded the game and kept it fresh… for free. Thanks guys.

So… who makes your list?

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