Quantic Dream: Heavy Rain “needs space, needs to be explained”

Heavy Rain - Image 1Guillaume de Fondaumiere, the co-CEO of Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream, has offered more insights on the reason why their story-driven PS3 exclusive is being delayed to 2010. According to him, one key reason is because a game as innovative as Heavy Rain “needs space.”

Heavy Rain - Image 1

Guillaume de Fondaumiere, the co-CEO of Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream, has offered more insights on the reason why their story-driven PS3 exclusive is being delayed to 2010. According to him, one key reason is because a game as innovative as Heavy Rain “needs space.”

Speaking to CVG, he said that with the sheer number of games getting released at the end of the year, delaying Heavy Rain would give them time to ease gamers into a new franchise, especially considering that the game brings something new to the table.

A game like Heavy Rain needs space, needs to be explained and shown. At the end of the year, people can’t afford to buy all those games so we wanted to give Heavy Rain the chance to have its own release window, and for us to really talk about it so people really understand it.

Director David Cage also alluded to this need for the game to be explained in an interview at GamesCom, explaining that even showing it off at trade shows is no easy task.

de Fondaumiere also added that whether Heavy Rain succeeds or not will have some serious ramifications on how readily developers and publishers take chances on innovative games.

If Heavy Rain doesn’t succeed it’s going to have important implications for other developers and for ourselves – maybe people will think ‘those innovative games don’t work, games cannot really convey realistic emotions.’ And they will continue to do the standard shooters and the like that we have been doing for however many years.

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