Racial Pride in WoW: Are you proud?

Horde vs Alliance - Image 1

It’s a weird sense of unity, this WoW business is. If there’s one thing that Blizzard‘s MMO can definitely credit itself for being, it’s for being a safe place people of any human race to band together in their abject pride or hatred of another virtual race or faction.

WoW Insider asks the people about what brings the pride out in many different factions, or in specific races. In fact, it seems the marginal races have a lot more to offer, if the troll jokes and gnomish alt races through Azeroth are anything to go by. Even more importantly, how come the Horde has a more vocal representation among the people, with their chants of “Alliance sucks!” and “Horde is 1337?”

As an Alliance player, this writer’s heard the “Alliance sucks!” line many a time as well, but there never seems to be any actual reason for it. Even if you help a newbie out, you’re bound to get someone who’ll eventually say (in Horde speak) “Alliance Die!” or some such. It’s not particularly kosher, but then again, thank goodness Kul Tiras isn’t a PvP server.

So… why do you hate the other guys so much?

Via WoW Insider

Horde vs Alliance - Image 1

It’s a weird sense of unity, this WoW business is. If there’s one thing that Blizzard‘s MMO can definitely credit itself for being, it’s for being a safe place people of any human race to band together in their abject pride or hatred of another virtual race or faction.

WoW Insider asks the people about what brings the pride out in many different factions, or in specific races. In fact, it seems the marginal races have a lot more to offer, if the troll jokes and gnomish alt races through Azeroth are anything to go by. Even more importantly, how come the Horde has a more vocal representation among the people, with their chants of “Alliance sucks!” and “Horde is 1337?”

As an Alliance player, this writer’s heard the “Alliance sucks!” line many a time as well, but there never seems to be any actual reason for it. Even if you help a newbie out, you’re bound to get someone who’ll eventually say (in Horde speak) “Alliance Die!” or some such. It’s not particularly kosher, but then again, thank goodness Kul Tiras isn’t a PvP server.

So… why do you hate the other guys so much?

Via WoW Insider

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