Road Rash remake – in the works or in the trash?

Road Rash HD? - Image 1With the way Electronic Arts included the classic Road Rash games on EA Replay way back in 2006, plus the Road Rash trademark they filed back in August of this year, you’d think the publisher was set on bringing the bikes back on the road. Unfortunately, the game is currently not in development, or so the official word says. This video, however, says that it used to be.

With the way Electronic Arts included the classic Road Rash games on EA Replay way back in 2006, plus the Road Rash trademark they filed back in August of this year, you’d think the publisher was set on bringing the bikes back on the road. Unfortunately, the game is currently not in development, or so the official word says. This video, however, says that it used to be.

Given that EA must’ve abandoned development for the game, the vid is nowhere near close to completion, but it already looks promising. Hopefully, that August trademark is a sign of good news. This is definitely one rash I won’t mind having.

This one didn’t make it:

Via Superannuation

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